Humidifirst offers free tech support. Immediately! No need to wait on hold or leave messages that might not get returned. Talk with an actual trained technician. Get real answers and real solutions.
Humidifirst prides itself on being able to deliver products faster then any of its competitors. Many orders ship in days, not weeks. Whether it’s a standard on-off humidifier or a custom built proportional control system, Humidifirst provides delivery times you can count on.
Humidifirst has invested a great deal in ensuring all parts are always in stock. Making sure you and your customer are never left with long lead times or backorders. Order factory direct - no third party company or off brand parts.
At Humidifirst, we stand by our product with a 1-year warranty and free factory evaluation of equipment sent in for service. Our aim is to build the highest quality products that function well not only in the first year, but also at years five and ten.
HUMIDIFIRST has patents on a number of different ultrasonic humidifier applications. We are the only manufacturer of a mistless humidifier, an important product for customers who need exact humidity control but don’t want a mist blowing on equipment or employees. We also make a unique fan powered unit for installation inside air handlers. This unit has self controlled air flow that allows for placement of the humidifier anywhere inside the air handler. Other manufacturers have to restrict placement of their humidifiers to laminar air flow patterns and require field installation of baffles to ensure adequate air flow through their humidifiers. In addition, HUMIDIFIRST stands alone in providing quick connect/disconnect valves for its power and water lines.
HUMIDIFIRST prides itself on having the easiest ultrasonic humidifiers to operate and maintain. Our engineers spent hundreds of hours designing, testing and redesigning our humidifiers to make them easier and simpler to use. Compare, for example, the ease with which you can access the transducers of a HUMIDIFIRST humidifier. Simply remove a few stainless steel screws, and you’re in! With our competitors, you’ll have to rest your wrist as you tool-loosen dozens of bolts and screws. Compare, as well, the ease of operating our fan-powered units. You just plug them into a standard electrical outlet and turn them on. There’s no need to hard wire these humidifiers, and you don’t need bulky control boxes, either. We analogize it to the simplicity of a washing machine. You just connect water to a washing machine, plug it in, and turn it on. There’s no reason why a precision humidifier shouldn’t operate the same way.
HUMIDIFIRST products are manufactured 100% in the United States. Most of our competitors have their ultrasonic humidifiers built overseas, and then distribute them in America. Not only does this add another cost layer to their products, but it means that changes, improvements and modifications to the humidifiers must come from a different company than the seller. At HUMIDIFIRST, we continually strive to improve our products, and we can effectively implement improvements because our turn-around time for design changes is a fraction of the time required by the foreign companies. Our manufacturing facility is located in Boynton Beach Florida, where everything is made from the humidifier modules to the control panels.
ultrasonic humidifier providers
Ultrasonic Humidifiers
AHU & Ducted Humidifiers
Wall Mount Room Humidifiers
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Humidifirst is an American company that has been manufacturing ultrasonic humidifiers since 1993 and holds two patents. Unlike our competitors, Humidifirst manufactures only ultrasonic humidifiers and, compared to all other companies, has the most experience with this humidifier technology. Humidifirst invented the ducted/AHU model ultrasonic humidifier design currently used by other major humidifier companies. Humidifirst also invented the only mist-less humidifier.
Humidifirst is committed to being the innovative leader in ultrasonic humidifier technology. As a result, we continually test our products to find ways to improve them. We use a large wind tunnel to simulate high and low velocity air patterns commonly found in field ventilation systems. Wind tunnel experiments led to the development of Humidifirst’s unique DT Series discharge baffle, which can be field adjusted, allowing our ducted humidifiers to work better than the competition in slower and faster air speeds.
innovative leadership
Discover all the ways you can benefit from a Humidifirst ultrasonic humidifier. See how the energy savings alone can result in paybacks on the purchase price of between one and two years. Also, ultrasonics provide instant misting upon a call for humidification. Couple this with Humidifirst’s unique ability to time and pulsate the mist discharge, and you have the tightest humidity control in the industry. In addition, with Humidifirst, there is virtually no required maintenance–there are no pans to scrub or steam canisters to replace or infrared bulbs to change, and there is no need for water flush cycles. Humidifirst makes humidification easy!
In addition, we use a Liebert computer room air conditioner to reproduce actual conditions for the testing of our Liebert Retrofit ultrasonic humidifier. Several years worth of research, design and testing went into Humidifirst’s LR Series humidifiers, and led to the development of this popular and unique computer room humidifying product.
Steam-size droplets. One micron droplets allow for fast evaporation like steam. Spray nozzle systems create up to 20 micron droplets, risking wetness on equipment and in ductwork.
Using treated water, all dissolved minerals are removed from the water feeding into ultrasonics. Some steam systems emit dirt from the water up into the airstream, as confirmed by literature from steam manufacturers.
Ultrasonics generate 1 micron size droplets for as little as 1/13 the price of steam. This can save thousands of dollars in annual operating costs. In addition, ultrasonics turn on and off instantly, while steam units preheat, using more electricity.
Since water is purified before entry into the ultrasonic humidifier, there is considerably less maintenance required of an ultrasonic system as opposed to steam.
Ultrasonics provide instant on/off of mist. As soon as the air strays from the relative humidity set point, an ultrasonic humidifier instantly turns on. Steam canisters have flush cycles that may shut down the humidifier for up to 15 minutes or more. Heating elements inside those systems take time to reboil water to create humidity.
sizing and calculations
When calculating the humidification loads of a space we will generalize and assume that the majority of the humidification load will come from two areas:
1. Ventilation, Exhaust, or Infiltration of air: Most buildings have air exchanges with the outside because of one or more of these three items.
A. Ventilation is a result of air conditioning systems bringing outside air in to provide fresh air to the inhabitants.
B. Exhaust is the mechanical removal of air from a space when processes inside of the building require the removal of dirty, hot or unwanted air.
C. Infiltration occurs when air comes into a space from outside. Air may come in through small openings around doors, windows, ceilings, etc. Also, infiltration often occurs from frequent opening of doors.
For each Cubic Foot per Minute (CFM) of outside air that is brought into the space, moisture must be added to achieve your relative humidity requirements.
2. Air conditioning: When an air conditioner runs, it removes moisture from the air. This is known as Latent cooling. If the air conditioner will be running during your humidification season, you must take this dehumidification process into account.
The cooling ability of an air conditioner is normally rated by the manufacturer and is stated in Sensible and Total cooling capacity in btu’s per hour. Subtract the Sensible cooling capacity from the Total cooling capacity to get the Latent cooling capacity. For every 1000 btu’s/hour of Latent cooling capacity you will need to add one pound of moisture.
Please note that there are other factors that can add to your humidification requirements, such as moisture absorption of items in your space. We generally ignore them because most often they play only a minor part of your humidification requirements. Contact us if you think you have unique requirements.
Let HUMIDIFIRST assist you with your humidifier sizing. Use the form above that will be automatically emailed to us or fax us the information to 801-760-2777.